Thursday, June 26, 2008

No really, eat MY poo

An open letter to "Chipsterwonk:"
I do not appreciate your lies, or at the very least, your inconsistency. I've spotted a lot of references to "Thirty Rock," or as it has been affectionately dubbed, "Dirty Cock" in your blog. While this might generally be considered "funnysmartandgreat," I must warn you, I REMEMBER. In fact, we all remember. And I'm going to rip your cunt apart. If I could, I would follow this threat with a picture from said show of Isabella Rossellini ripping Tina Fey's top off. I can't find one. Also, almost every image search for "girl fight" yields shockingly unappealing porn.

Fuck this, I broke my blog. I can't post any pictures at all now. I'm going to drink.

<3 drunkblog

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